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… WEEK #5

Dear Readers,

It’s hard to believe but we are already into our 5th week of questions.  Have you been using the questions to help pass the time and have some fun talking to the people you care about?

Today’s questions are about Family Vacations.   I would really appreciate hearing from you.  How are you using the questions?  Which questions have been especially interesting?  Any feedback is appreciated.  

Post #5 Family Outings and Vacations 
Growing up, what was a favorite family outing or vacation? page28image35213792 
1)  What did your family do for fun?
2)  What are some of your best memories from family outings?
3)  What do you recall about visits to your grandparents or Aunts and Uncles? 
4)  If you camped, did you ever have a scare from some wild animal or bad weather? 
5)  What is a funny story you recall from a family outing? 
6)  What historic sites, such as the White House or Gettysburg, did you visit?
 7)  From which family vacation did you learn a lot? 
8)  Was there a person, place or image from a vacation that forever changed your life? 
9)  What vacations/outings have you enjoyed with your adult children and grandchildren? 
10)  What is a family trip you will never forget?