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As promised here is a new set of questions.  The focus this week is on Birth Order.  How about reaching out to that relative or friend, and asking these questions.?  What number child are you?? HAVE FUN!!

Birth Order 
 How many brothers and sisters do you have? Which number child are you? 
 1)  How did you feel about growing up in a large family?

 2)  How did you feel about growing up in a small family?

 3)  In what ways did your parents treat older children differently than younger children? How did you feel about that?

 4)  Which sibling caused you the most grief?

 5)  To which sibling were you closest?

 6)  How much competitiveness existed between siblings? How did this affect future relationships?
7)  Which of your siblings got the most attention? As a child? As an adult?

 8)  Was an adoption story part of your growing up years?

 9)  What impact did a special needs child have on the family?  

Dear Everyone impacted by COVID 19,

It is shocking to realize how quickly the world as we know it has turned upside down.  As Richard Rohr so aptly writes, “Each of us has had our lives and communities disrupted.” During these days of social distancing and isolation, we are all asking ourselves, how best to use our time.

 With families sticking close to home and many senior centers in lockdown, is there a positive alternative to a steady diet of television?  Challenges produce opportunities.  Perhaps this is an opportunity to have quality conversations with those we care about. Perhaps this time will not be spent face to face, but it will occur over the phone. 

Let’s Keep Social Distancing from becoming Social Isolation…
We can help!

As a way to bring some joy to what are seemingly endless hours of alone time, we have decided to share questions from our book If Only You Would Ask. Each week we will post a new set of questions designed to promote interesting, enjoyable conversations.  We hope that these questions will provide a healthy distraction to the news and lead to a discussion of topics that may not have been talked about or thought about for years.

Are you ready? Here we go…

HAVE FUN!! Love, Joan and Eileen

Childhood Memories 
 What do you remember about your grade school years? 
1)  How did you get to school? Did you carry a lunch?
2)  Who was your favorite elementary school teacher? 
3)  What did you do during recess?
4)  Was there a bully in your school
5) Do you still maintain a friendship with a grade school friend?
6)  As an elementary age student, what obstacles did you face? 
7)  What was a favorite song or game you remember? 
8)  Were your parents involved as leaders or coaches in your activities? 
9)  What are some happy memories from your grade school years?

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